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Pain Oil (For Pain Relief)


Key Features:
 Pure Hemp Leaf Extract: Paarmi Pain Oil is derived from the pure essence of
Hemp Leaf Extract. Known for its rich nutritional profile, it encapsulates the
holistic goodness of hemp, promoting overall wellness.
 Internal and External Use: Enjoy the flexibility of Paarmi Pain Oil for both
internal consumption and external application. Whether you choose to
consume it orally or apply it externally, this oil supports a holistic approach to
 Versatile Wellness Support: Embrace the versatility of Paarmi Pain Oil as it
supports various aspects of well-being. From promoting relaxation to soothing
discomfort, this oil is your companion on the journey to holistic health.

 Balanced Nutritional Boost: Paarmi Pain Oil provides a balanced nutritional
boost, featuring essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. This natural
elixir nourishes your body from the inside out, contributing to overall health.
 Harmonizing Mind and Body: Experience the harmonizing effects of Paarmi
Pain Oil on both mind and body. Whether you choose to consume it for inner
balance or apply it for external nourishment, this oil supports a holistic
approach to well-being.
Directions for Use:
 Internal Consumption: Take a few drops of Paarmi Pain Oil orally, either
directly or by adding to your favorite beverage. Consult with a healthcare
professional for personalized dosage guidance.
 External Application: Gently massage Paarmi Pain Oil onto the desired
external areas, allowing it to absorb into the skin. Use as part of your skincare
or massage routine for a nourishing experience.

Discover the Holistic Power of Vijaya: At Paarmi Cares, we invite you to
discover the holistic power of Paarmi Pain Oil. Sourced from pure Hemp
Leaf Extract, this elixir embodies the essence of nature, supporting your
journey to well-being both inside and out.

Cruelty-Free and Sustainable: Committed to ethical practices, Paarmi
Pain Oil is cruelty-free and environmentally conscious. Join us in the
pursuit of holistic well-being that harmonizes with the essence of nature.
Experience Holistic Wellness – Choose Paarmi Pain Oil for a Balanced

Paarmi Pain Oil | 30/50ML

Rating is 0.0 out of five stars based on reviews
PriceFrom ₹999.00
Taxes Included
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